Eriyik-Dişli Pompa Basınç PID Kontrol Seti

Melt-Gear Pump Pressure PID Control Set

Brand: MPS

Melt-Gear Pump is Pressure PID Control System
* MPS Melt Pressure Sensor
* MPS Controller
* GL5-6P-V (6 Pin Socket + Cable)
* BF18 (mounting bracket)
They are systems used for Melt-Gear Pump Pressure PID Control in Extruder Processes.
You can control the Melt Pressure and Melt Temperature Information with a single Controller Device.
Thanks to the PID Control outputs, the Main Driver-Main Motor Speed control is performed and the required pressure is obtained.
In addition, you can integrate it into your PLC system with the Analog Output or Communication Protocols in our Controller device.


*Checking the melt pressure, flow stability,
* To ensure the formation of the necessary pressure for production,
*Monitoring for possible contamination that could clog the filter changer and cause pressure drop in the mold, and as a result to determine if clogged filters need to be replaced (therefore the pressure is measured before and after the screen changer)
*The gear pump is used to give a constant flow rate to the mold: the flow is adjusted based on the measured pressure value (the pressure value is used to give feedback to the driver for screw speed adjustment)
*Creating necessary prescriptions for production,
* Evaluation of plastic raw materials,
*Controlling Pressure,
*Preventing excessive pressure on the screw,
* Protecting screw wear,

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