Nonwoven Extruder Processes

Plastic extrusion pipe, hose, cable, profile etc. It is a manufacturing method used in the production of plastic materials. The machine used in extrusion is very similar to the injection machine. A motor rotates the screw in a sleeve covered with a heater, causing the plastic granules to melt under temperature and pressure. The molten plastic takes shape along the mold and enters the liquid in the form of a long channel to cool. The shape of the mold also determines the shape of the duct. After cooling, it takes shape as solidified. The channel can be marked and then cut at equal intervals. Parts are packed or stocked by running over the rollers. The shapes that will come out of the extrusion can be T-Section, U-Section, Square-Section, I-Section, L-Section and Circular Sections. Fiber optic cable can be given as an example of products produced by extrusion.
General Parts
Extruder, metering pumps, die assembly, web forming and winding system.

Working Principle

A wide variety of methods have been developed for producing shaped objects from granules or powdered plastics.
What is a Melt Pressure Sensor?
Melt Pressure Sensor is an instrument used to measure the pressure and temperature of melted liquids (optional) in processes where plastic raw materials can reach high temperatures.

Why is a Melt Pressure Sensor Necessary?

Almost all extruders use at least one melt pressure transducer because it is desirable for melt pressure/temperature control to improve the quality of the extrusion process.
Equipment Protection
Higher Efficiency
Higher Product Quality

Melt Pressure Sensor Applications for Nonwoven Extruder Processes

Melt Pressure Sensor in Mold / Melt Pressure Control Application
Pre-Filter Melt Pressure Sensor / Melt Pressure Control Application
Post Filter Melt Pressure Sensor / Melt Pressure Control Application
Melt-Gear Pump Pre-Melt Pressure / Melt Pressure Control Sensor Application
Melt-Gear Pump Post Melt Pressure Sensor / Melt Pressure Control Application
Chip Cutters Melt Pressure Sensor / Melt Pressure Control Application
*Checking the melt pressure, flow stability,
* To ensure the formation of the necessary pressure for production,
*Monitoring for possible contamination that could clog the filter changer and cause pressure drop in the mold, and as a result to determine if clogged filters need to be replaced (therefore the pressure is measured before and after the screen changer)
*The gear pump is used to give a constant flow rate to the mold: the flow is adjusted based on the measured pressure value (the pressure value is used to give feedback to the driver for screw speed adjustment)
*Creating necessary prescriptions for production,
* Evaluation of plastic raw materials,
*Controlling Pressure,
*Preventing excessive pressure on the screw,
* Protecting screw wear,
Nonwoven Extruder Prosesleri Nonwoven Extruder Prosesleri


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