Eriyik Basınç Sensörü Arıza Tespiti Adımları
02 09 2024

Molten Pressure Sensor Fault Detection Steps

The detection of melting pressure sensor (EPS) faults is very important in terms of minimizing loss of time and quality problems in production processes. Here are the steps that can be followed to detect EPS failures:
Fault detection steps
Visual examination
Check the cables and connections: Check any physical damage, rupture or looseness in the sensor's cables or connections.
Check the sensor surface: Observe whether there is any dirt, residue or melt accumulation on the surface of the sensor. Such deposits can prevent the sensor from making correct measurements.
Electrical Tests
Circuit Control: Check the electrical circuit of the sensor with a multimeter. This allows you to determine if there is a short circuit or open circuit in the inner circuits of the sensor.
Voltage and current control: Measure the voltage and current values ​​that come to the sensor and come out of the sensor. Under normal operating conditions, check whether these values ​​are in the correct range.
Calibration control
Calibration data: Check the calibration data of the sensor. In case of deterioration of calibration, the sensor cannot perform correctly.
Re -calibration: Check whether the sensor is working correctly by reconstructing the calibration of the sensor.
Using Sensor Test Devices
Special Test Devices: Test the performance and accuracy of the sensor using specially designed test devices for melting pressure sensors.
Simulation Tests: Check whether the sensor has done correctly measured by simulating normal operating conditions.
Data Analysis
Production data: Analyze pressure data from the sensor. Abnormal or inconsistent pressure values ​​may be an indication of the sensor failure.
Historical Data: Examine the past data of the sensor and evaluate the performance over time. Sudden changes or inconsistencies may indicate fault.
As MPS, we provide Gefran, Dynisco and Sand products at the most affordable prices and provide all fault testpit, maintenance and service.

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