08 2023
Melt Pressure Sensor Mounting Surface
Placing the melt pressure sensor on the correct mounting surface ensures stable and safe operation of the melt pressure sensor. Here are some key factors regarding the melt pressure sensor mounting surface:
The mounting surface must be smooth. If the mounting surface is uneven, stable placement of the melt pressure sensor may be difficult and affect measurement accuracy. If necessary, take steps to level the mounting surface.
The mounting surface must be clean for correct placement of the melt pressure sensor. Dirt, dust or other debris can prevent the sensor from being properly mounted and cause measurement errors. Before mounting, clean the mounting surface and, if necessary, use suitable cleaning agents.
Contact Pressure:
The sensor must be placed on the mounting surface with a suitable contact pressure. The contact pressure ensures good contact and stable placement of the sensor with the mounting surface. The contact pressure may vary depending on the sensor's design and mounting method. Maintain proper contact pressure by following the melt pressure sensor assembly instructions.
Mounting Method:
The mounting method of the sensor ensures correct positioning of the sensor. The mounting method may vary depending on the characteristics of the sensor, the mounting surface and the environment to be applied. Use the correct mounting method following the manufacturer's instructions. For example, mounting methods such as screws, clamps, adhesives can be used.
Correctly make connections to the mounting surface of the melt pressure sensor. Fasteners (screws, clamps, etc.) must be properly tightened and ensure a secure connection. Make sure that the sensor is not damaged and correctly aligned during connections.
Thermal insulation:
If necessary, provide a suitable thermal insulation on the mounting surface of the melt pressure sensor. If the melt pressure sensor is to operate at high temperatures, a suitable thermal insulation is important so that it is not affected by environmental effects and can make accurate measurements.