Eriyik Basınç Sensörü, Eriyik Basıncını Nasıl Algılıyor
20 11 2020

How does the Melt Pressure Sensor detect the melt pressure

Melt Pressure Sensor is briefly defined as the products that detect the pressure of the high pressure molten material passing through the extruder and convert this pressure into an electrical signal.
Melt Pressure Sensors; It takes on the task of transforming physical force into electrical signals.
Melt Pressure Sensors; Also called Melt Pressure Transducer or Melt Pressure Transmitter.
Transducer: It works with loadcell logic. Output Signals are mV / V.
Transmitters: It is defined as converting the load cell signal into an analog signal in addition. Output Signals are V or mA.

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